IEPs, 504’s and education law can be complicated and confusing, but for parents of unconventional learners knowing how these IDEA laws work can be life-saving.
difficult behaviors
Suspended From School
We had actually known for several weeks that B was unraveling. The medication we had done so well on had to be stopped, suspected of causing tremors in his arms and hands, so stepping down over a period of 12 weeks created some new challenges while causing some old issues to reappear. Specifically cognition, executive functioning, and decision making.
Mental Health in America
MENTAL HEALTH in America (and probably the rest of the world… my perspective) This week another mass shooting in a school by a child (almost adult) whose story is not yet fully known but already presumed mentally ill. The “he was different” conversations and the words “adoption, and fetal alcohol syndrome” have already been bounced […]
What about me!
What about me indeed… It’s 6:18 pm and I had just woken up from a nap on the couch, woken by the sounds of my husband emptying the dishwasher and starting dinner. I fell asleep about 5, saying “kids need their meds, I am just taking 5 minutes and then I will get them ready.” […]
Day 43
Day 43 and we are still here. So we have just passed day 43 of what is technically an 84-day program. Sadly, we will be leaving around day 70-ish because school is back in session on August 17th. The students are returning earlier than usual because of something to do with the 2017 Solar eclipse. To […]