IVIG the miracle cure? At everyone’s urging and our doctor’s blessing, we undertook 3 rounds of IVIG. Three very difficult infusions over the course of several months. One trip to the hospital with a migraine so bad the vomiting wouldn’t stop and a son crying in pain and wondering why he had to continue to […]
MOLD Protect yourself
Proper identification of mold spores is important. Mold identification courses for amateurs have popped up throughout the country so it is difficult to know who knows what they’re doing without laboratory certification.
Mental Health in America
MENTAL HEALTH in America (and probably the rest of the world… my perspective) This week another mass shooting in a school by a child (almost adult) whose story is not yet fully known but already presumed mentally ill. The “he was different” conversations and the words “adoption, and fetal alcohol syndrome” have already been bounced […]
Things I learned in MA
Things I Learned in MA… or things we learned treating Lyme in Massachusetts. Thinking this trip through before we left I knew there were going to be additional challenges over and above managing the kid’s behaviors and treatment compliance. First of all, I am scared of the dark, secondly, I am afraid to be alone […]
They call me warrior.
They Call Me A Warrior Mom In Facebook groups and chat sessions, parents of children with neuroimmune challenges refer to each other as warriors. After all, we found our way to these groups while fighting for our children’s health, looking for answers to restore their well-being. Each day thousands of parents are exchanging information, collecting […]