SUSPENDED, part 2… … “we saw the spiral and watched helplessly as he unraveled.” We didn’t just sit back and watch this, I started making phone calls as soon as the backsliding began. We recognized we were having more problems, we recognized we were losing ground and so started that mindless round of phone calls […]
Mood Disorders
Mental Health in America
MENTAL HEALTH in America (and probably the rest of the world… my perspective) This week another mass shooting in a school by a child (almost adult) whose story is not yet fully known but already presumed mentally ill. The “he was different” conversations and the words “adoption, and fetal alcohol syndrome” have already been bounced […]
How Many Times…
How many times … I had reason tonight to go back over a series of blog posts about a program we had completed in 2011. As I was reading through the Brain Balance blog roll I realized we had actually finished that program with hope in our heart and a skip in our step. Okay perhaps we […]
PANS, PANDAS and Lyme Disease – what’s the connection?
PANS, PANDAS & life after a diagnosis of Lyme Disease So in the 3 years since I put away my keyboard and started focusing on other things, a lot happened in our lives. In August 2014, when I wrote this post, I had no idea what was even possible for us going forward. We had […]
Understanding Methylation.
Understanding Methylation, an easy way Best explanation I have found for a basic understanding of methylation and why it is important, especially in the context of mental illness and health. Someone directed me to this post last week on the Metabolic Healing blog. Turns out if you read elsewhere on this site, and know our […]