So, it’s not the vaccines, they are safe. It’s not GMO’s, they are safe. It’s not the adverse side effects from sped up food production. Pollution is not great, but that’s not it. It’s not the pesticides, they are safe. It’s not even the coal ash, the pollution, or toxic waste, it’s not junk food, […]
Daily musings
Where are we now? From 6-9… has much really changed?
Never mind “a beautiful mind” more of a messy, cluttered, disorganized, freaked out mind for us. We are not solving complex math problems over here nor creating computer programs, building scientific multipurpose apps or solving world hunger. Nope, not got any sense of motivation for that – honestly we are barely making it through the […]
Sometimes, a change is all that’s needed!
So I spring cleaned the website – hope you like it 😀 On a side note, things here are not quite working out as well as I hoped, waiting for test results is tedious, time consuming and annoying. B continues on True Hope and oxytocin, as well as B6, zinc and an adrenal supplement. Most […]
So it isn’t just me then…..
SPOILED ROTTEN: Why do kids rule the roost? BY ELIZABETH KOLBERT After last week’s post it’s nice to see I am not alone. I was expecting to see a picture of my house attached to this paragraph: “Children, according to “Life at Home,” are disproportionate generators of clutter: “Each new child in a household leads to […]
Making excuses…
I am a member of many groups on Facebook (many, many groups), mostly all related around the topic of how to parent both a difficult to diagnose child and children with difficult diagnoses. I have to say this: Today, it struck me that we all make lots of excuses in regards to our own behavior […]