Many autoantibodies have been reported in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Many of these autoantibodies interfere with brain function, resulting in the diagnosis of autoimmune encephalopathy (AIE). Identifying the particularly autoantibodies that cause AIE in ASD
How to End the Autism Epidemic – A review
How to End the Autism Epidemic J.B. Handley I am privileged and excited to be able to preview the groundbreaking book (How to End the Autism Epidemic) before it hits the shelves in the next day or two. While we have lived a life with autism and endured the confusion doctors have around autism and […]
Mold Remediation
This mold testing kit comes with clear instructions, as well as a moisture meter, a small compressor for the wall testing and most helpful of all, an hour-long consultation with someone who is a building biologist. Continue reading to see the results of our mold testing with ERMI and Conflict Free Mold.
How Many Times…
How many times … I had reason tonight to go back over a series of blog posts about a program we had completed in 2011. As I was reading through the Brain Balance blog roll I realized we had actually finished that program with hope in our heart and a skip in our step. Okay perhaps we […]
Day 43
Day 43 and we are still here. So we have just passed day 43 of what is technically an 84-day program. Sadly, we will be leaving around day 70-ish because school is back in session on August 17th. The students are returning earlier than usual because of something to do with the 2017 Solar eclipse. To […]