What’s life like after treating Lyme? January marks month 7 on Laser Lyme protocol. Where are we now? It’s been an interesting few months, new moons, full moons, Christmas, Halloween, New Years, quite the plethora of reasons to expect hyperactivity, tiredness, and general backsliding. To keep that in check, we still remain true to our […]
What about me!
What about me indeed… It’s 6:18 pm and I had just woken up from a nap on the couch, woken by the sounds of my husband emptying the dishwasher and starting dinner. I fell asleep about 5, saying “kids need their meds, I am just taking 5 minutes and then I will get them ready.” […]
How Many Times…
How many times … I had reason tonight to go back over a series of blog posts about a program we had completed in 2011. As I was reading through the Brain Balance blog roll I realized we had actually finished that program with hope in our heart and a skip in our step. Okay perhaps we […]
Interrupting regular programming…
TEN THINGS A NEWLY DIAGNOSED PANS/PANDAS PARENT NEEDS TO KNOW Interrupting regular programming to talk about chronic Lyme and PANS/PANDAS and Neuroimmune Diagnoses My children and I are in NE treating Lyme, this is true, but the chronic condition my children are diagnosed with is actually PANS (Pediatric Acute-Onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome, OR as it has […]
Captain’s Log, day 100089
Captain’s Log, and it only feels like day 10089 In reality, we just completed day 18 of our 84-day program (not day 10089) but some days it feels like we have been doing this forever. The problem is, once we removed the antibiotic support from the kids, they regressed pretty badly and they are now having […]