The insurance company has had no direct contact with us to find out what the program is doing for us, they don’t know what we think, what we have done, where we have been, why we are here.
Daily musings
MOLD Protect yourself
Proper identification of mold spores is important. Mold identification courses for amateurs have popped up throughout the country so it is difficult to know who knows what they’re doing without laboratory certification.
PANS, PANDAS and Encephalitis at School
IEPs, 504’s and education law can be complicated and confusing, but for parents of unconventional learners knowing how these IDEA laws work can be life-saving.
Suspended Part 2
SUSPENDED, part 2… … “we saw the spiral and watched helplessly as he unraveled.” We didn’t just sit back and watch this, I started making phone calls as soon as the backsliding began. We recognized we were having more problems, we recognized we were losing ground and so started that mindless round of phone calls […]
Suspended From School
We had actually known for several weeks that B was unraveling. The medication we had done so well on had to be stopped, suspected of causing tremors in his arms and hands, so stepping down over a period of 12 weeks created some new challenges while causing some old issues to reappear. Specifically cognition, executive functioning, and decision making.