I rarely post anymore (and not just because it is so depressing), but also because I am working 40+ hours a week and have a family who demands 110% of my time, so no, the ability to sit and think for the time it takes to write a post is almost nonexistent. I am up and […]
Daily musings
Heather Forbes begins a 5-Week ONLINE Course to go with her new book. I am part way through the book and can see how this is valuable information for both myself and B…. I am always open to learning new ways to help him go forwards, this book is another in her series of how […]
My name is Faith…
“Meet Faith, a 13-year-old girl who suffers from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and what’s called Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD). This powerful and at times very distressing film follows Faith as she attempts to heal from the trauma inflicted by her birth-mother’s lifestyle and begins to develop trust for her new adoptive parents. But with […]
Link between Lyme disease, ADHD and other Neurological disorders?
Driving to Tennassee this past Friday I was listening on Satellite Radio to the Doctor Radio channel, the guest happened to be Dr. Daniel J. Cameron (First Medical Associates, 657 Main Street, Mt. Kisco, NY 10549) an expert in Lyme disease and tick borne illnesses. I listened with fascinating interest to what he had to say about Lyme disease. […]
Nature, nurture and toxic chemicals…
The latest news about the autism rates have brought us all to another collective sigh of horror, outrage and disbelief. We all knew that the current figures were off, we all knew that in reality, just in our own communities, counting the blogs, the books and the articles, so many more children were affected by […]