Heather Forbes begins a 5-Week ONLINE Course to go with her new book. I am part way through the book and can see how this is valuable information for both myself and B…. I am always open to learning new ways to help him go forwards, this book is another in her series of how […]
April 2nd – Light it up BLUE for Autism…
“Join Autism Speaks in celebrating World Autism Awareness Day on April 2 and Light It Up Blue to help shine a light on autism. Whether it’s your front porch or your local city hall, an office party or a banquet, the whole world is going blue to increase awareness about autism. Light It Up Blue, […]
What about the autism family?
When one person in the family (or more) has an autism diagnosis, that generally means the entire family wears that diagnosis too. From the minute a child starts exhibiting autistic type behaviors the dynamic begins to change. No one needs the diagnosis to feel this, it just happens. With restrictive behaviors, lack of social skills, […]
Links to autism may start in the gut!?
As I was drinking my coffee and catching up on the news this morning the first 2 stories that jumped out at me are both discussing the relationship between gut health and autism. Only yesterday I was talking to someone about how almost all the autistic kids we know are plagued with chronic gut problems such as diarrhea, […]
1 in 110 children now are being diagnosed with autism!
I only posted this today as yesterday I was reading that 1 in 110 children now are being diagnosed with autism! 1/110!!! When our son was diagnosed there was 1/150 – which I thought at the time was terrible enough. Now the numbers are staggering and continuing to climb yearly. I think almost all of […]