Medically complex conditions can make or break you. Bankruptcy or retirement? New car or new-old car? Pay this bill, not that one? Beg for payments, load up on credit cards, cash-out that, cash in this, sell that, borrow this, the tireless nature of medical complexity often depends on deep pockets…
Entertaining kids with PANS
Boredom Is the Mother of Creativity – Entertaining kids with PANS! Entertaining kids with PANS, PANDAS or neuroimmune disorders can be a challenge like no other, our kids are notoriously difficult to please. As parents, most of us are always looking for ways of entertaining our child with PANS because we feel the need to get […]
Dr Richard Frye Presents in this CME Series
Many autoantibodies have been reported in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Many of these autoantibodies interfere with brain function, resulting in the diagnosis of autoimmune encephalopathy (AIE). Identifying the particularly autoantibodies that cause AIE in ASD
How to End the Autism Epidemic – A review
How to End the Autism Epidemic J.B. Handley I am privileged and excited to be able to preview the groundbreaking book (How to End the Autism Epidemic) before it hits the shelves in the next day or two. While we have lived a life with autism and endured the confusion doctors have around autism and […]
Mold Remediation
This mold testing kit comes with clear instructions, as well as a moisture meter, a small compressor for the wall testing and most helpful of all, an hour-long consultation with someone who is a building biologist. Continue reading to see the results of our mold testing with ERMI and Conflict Free Mold.