SPOILED ROTTEN: Why do kids rule the roost? BY ELIZABETH KOLBERT After last week’s post it’s nice to see I am not alone. I was expecting to see a picture of my house attached to this paragraph: “Children, according to “Life at Home,” are disproportionate generators of clutter: “Each new child in a household leads to […]
Making excuses…
I am a member of many groups on Facebook (many, many groups), mostly all related around the topic of how to parent both a difficult to diagnose child and children with difficult diagnoses. I have to say this: Today, it struck me that we all make lots of excuses in regards to our own behavior […]
Never ending ….
I rarely post anymore (and not just because it is so depressing), but also because I am working 40+ hours a week and have a family who demands 110% of my time, so no, the ability to sit and think for the time it takes to write a post is almost nonexistent. I am up and […]
Heather Forbes begins a 5-Week ONLINE Course to go with her new book. I am part way through the book and can see how this is valuable information for both myself and B…. I am always open to learning new ways to help him go forwards, this book is another in her series of how […]
Some weeks are easy and some are just plain hard!
Last week was a particularly bad week. It got steadily worse as he ate his way through several foods on his ‘intolerant list’. It was only after the donuts from a well known “the lights are on” donut shop that things really took a turn downwards. I know, I know, totally under my control but sometimes … […]