Just where are we at today? Theraplay has started, we had our evaluation a couple of weeks ago but our first real session took place this week and went like this:
We entered the office and there was a box of props and a video camera. Our therapist told me to follow the index cards and she would wait in the lobby for us. My son and I proceeded to work through the dozen or so index cards with things such as, “adult and child play a game that is familiar to them, adult and child try hats on each other, play a game with the rubber ducks, share some information the child has not heard before etc. etc.” We managed to complete most of the cards (out of sequence), but we did finish without too major a situation. On Thursday I will get to meet the therapist solo to discuss her thoughts on what transpired during our play session. This approach to therapy actually involves me and my son, not a stranger helping him work through his issues. He is learning to trust me and have confidence that he can rely on me rather than a therapist. For this alone I think Theraplay will be a success for us.
NeuroReorg Therapy: We were supposed to start this several weeks ago, and we did great for about a week and a half, then it became more and more a battle of will’s between my son and I. Eventually I decided the torment was counterproductive and I have decided to put this therapy on the back burner for a while. Honestly his behavior has improved so rapidly with the Beyond Logic/Consequences parenting technique that I am beginning to question whether any other therapy is necessary. I think in terms of Theraplay I will continue, as that will help not only strengthen our connection but also help us to work through the issues he genuinely does have related to his birth story.
I will continue his Play therapist appointments until my parents arrive. Currently my son has a positive male role model in his Father, but his play therapist is also a good man who my son enjoys spending time with. The play therapist seems to have forged a connection with our son that right now he gets a lot of comfort from, and he has a very positive impact on his behavior. He has taught him many coping and anger management strategies, especially while he is the chaos of school. This is a valuable person to my son so he will continue to see him. My parents arrive in August and once my son has his Grandfather around, whom he respects and enjoys spending time with, he just may not need the play therapist at that point. I am open either way to that.
I am so happy with the progress our son is making, I shared our story with a friend whose son is bio but ADHD and she has now finished reading Heather’s books, although she started working with her son as soon as she read the 1st chapter. I got an email me last week to say they were actually making good progress. While ups and downs are expected in any relationship the goal for me at least, is to have our interactions be more typical in regards to less frequent tantrums and aggression, which now I know is really achievable. This only strengthens my conviction to this parenting method, it isn’t rocket science, it simply meets a child where they are at. Progress is progress however one achieves it!