It has always been interesting to me that whenever vaccine questions arise people assume the data has been studied and vaccinations have been proven safe to inject into their children. We now have more suggested vaccinations over our lifetime than any other county, the closest is Japan and they are not even close. Are we smarter because of this? Do we have less childhood illness because of this? Do we have lower rates of Alzheimer disease? Parkinson? Autism? Do we have a longer life expectancy now than we did 50 years ago? How do we die, do you know what the leading causes of death in this country actually are?
This article ran in the TIMES MAGAZINE in 2007 “Doctors’ sloppy handwriting kills more than 7,000 people annually. It’s a shocking statistic, and, according to a July 2006 report from the National Academies of Science’s Institute of Medicine (IOM), preventable medication mistakes also injure more than 1.5 million Americans annually. Medication errors are a fact of life: “Medication errors are among the most common medical errors, harming at least 1.5 million people every year, says a new report from the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies. The extra medical costs of treating drug-related injuries occurring in hospitals alone conservatively amount to $3.5 billion a year, and this estimate does not take into account lost wages and productivity or additional health care costs, the report says…”
I worry about this, I worry about our herd mentality. We should be shouting, not wondering, why are we one of the leaders in medicine in the free world but STILL rank at #36 on the life expectancy scale? People are beginning to question the way we are doing things and more people are beginning to realize that the answers we seek may not be found at the bottom of a needle or a pill bottle.
We can make some significant changes in these numbers in the positive, but we have to want to do it, we have to start paying attention to what it really means to be healthy. Is it so wrong to question what we are doing to our children with this ‘take a pill and fix it” mentality?
More to the point, is it so wrong that I might suspect my son has issues beyond what is ‘typical’ that might be negatively affected by this mentality? Can we not at least review, impartially and carefully, what might happen to SOME children when injected with live viruses, or chemicals. Can we not at least do peer reviews, analyze data and produce unbiased facts so we can categorically say, without a shadow of a doubt, this will NOT harm your child mentally, physically or emotionally? Can we not point the finger of crazy at those of us who just want answers, hard data and facts?
Sometimes I think it’s just easier for people to dismiss parent’s of those children who are out of control as just bad parents, or think of the children as victims of genetics or some other weird notion that doesn’t apply to the mainstream, but then my argument might be that so many children no longer meet the definition of ‘mainstream’ it might be your kid next. The following, in my humble opinion, is at least a good place to start.
“The article in the Journal of Immunotoxicology is entitled ‘Theoretical aspects of autism: Causes–A review.’ The author is Helen Ratajczak, surprisingly herself a former senior scientist at a pharmaceutical firm. Ratajczak did what nobody else apparently has bothered to do: she reviewed the body of published science since autism was first described in 1943. Not just one theory suggested by research such as the role of MMR shots, or the mercury preservative thimerosal; but all of them.” Are Vaccines Obsolete? By P Daniels for