As I was drinking my coffee and catching up on the news this morning the first 2 stories that jumped out at me are both discussing the relationship between gut health and autism. Only yesterday I was talking to someone about how almost all the autistic kids we know are plagued with chronic gut problems such as diarrhea, […]
Will I be famous?
In the last few weeks my son and I have been discovering a new relationship because we are being forced to spend quality time in the car almost every day. I pick him up at school and drive to his Brain Balance appointment and then we hop back in the car and go home, all […]
Schooling when your child doesn’t fit into the public school system.
Where do we start? Just what does a parent do when their child isn’t making it in the state school system? In our case we are in South Caroline which consistently scores
Adoption attachment and trauma
This seems to be the diagnosis I have now 100% and completely come to terms with for our son. There is now no question in my mind. After meeting with a trauma counselor who specializes in PTSD, childhood trauma and bipolar disorder my thinking is much clearer. She was not in the least surprised that […]
Several sessions in, for Brain Balance…
Eleven to be exact, for Brain Balance that is. Last Wednesday we got our first progress report. So far so good, he seems to be progressing in the right direction at least. As I predicted he has improved in his core exercises but is still lacking in eye